sábado, 21 de junho de 2008

Answers for the blog project

Meme Project‏

Hello, Kaísa Martins

Yours questions and my answers:

What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I love linstening to music, going to the club, watching filmes, reading books and going out with my friends.

In Uberlândia, what places do you like to go?
In Uberlândia don't has many interest places to go, but I like to go to the "Center Shopping" and pubs.

Would you like to do something that you have not made yet? What?
Yes, I'd like. In my future I will into a university and future will be an excellent professional.Who knows I curse veterinary or biology.


2 comentários:

Ana Maria Menezes disse...


so you want to study Veterinary or Biology. My aunt is a vet too. Do you have any animals at home? Do you have a favourite animal?


Lauriane disse...

Hello Ana Maria,

I have eight dogs and one turtle.I don't have a favourite animal, I love my animals the same way.
